Dear Friends,
It has been a long time desire to have an online platform to share some of my life lessons with you. This desire started with a thought, followed by action, that is now a reality. The HappyWholeYou program is a program to help you improve your overall well-being.
I will be writing on a variety of life topics that truly impact the WHOLE you. Topics such as nutrition, physical fitness, finances, family life, communications, spiritual well-being, and mindfulness to name a few. The goal is for all of us to realize we must be working on all aspects of our lives instead of thinking we feel the way we feel as a result of one thing. Or we are not as successful because of one thing. The reductionist approach and blame game stops here.
An example of this false reality: The idea of losing weight or just making a lot of money will improve your happiness and success is misleading. Just losing 10-20 pounds is not going to make you happy. Yes, is a step in the right direction but it is only one piece of the pie. This weight-loss will help, but you cannot neglect the other aspects of your life while you are trying to achieve this goal. You must still nourish your spiritual health, your financial health, your relationships. All too often we put too much emphasis on one aspect of our live's neglecting the other aspects. We must think of our WHOLE life; the WHOLE you.

Working, on the WHOLE you takes effort, but it is enjoyable work. I hope to open your mind to a new way of thinking. No longer will you want to take the reductionist approach to your life. Wholism is where happiness and growth awaits.
You may be asking why I wanted to create this platform and help others. To be honest, I have had my fair share of struggles. I know we all have, but I have been able to find a way to take my struggling mindset and shift it in a way where I have left behind the "poor me" way of thinking to create a successful, happy, life.

Before I close this message, I would like you to think about a few aspects of your life. Take a pen and paper and draw a big circle on the paper. Then within that circle draw another circle and write your name in it. Then make a line from your "name" circle and connect it to the outer circle. You are going to do this four times creating four different pieces within your circle. Label each section with the following: Health, Financial, Hobbies, and Relationships. Now take a colored pencil start at your name and in each section (use a different color in each section) color out how far you think your life represents. For example, if you color all the way to the outer circle in your health category I would assume you have a strong, nutritional health, emotional health, physical health, and spiritual health. Think of the outside circle being a 10-excellent and the closer your color to the outside circle represents how strong you are in that area. I completed a project like this in a college class. I found I was a workaholic who lacked good relationships and neglected my spiritual side. I had some work to do!
I have some worksheets and images I will be sharing on this site that will help you get a better grasp of the holes in your life. Sometimes we don't even realize where we are lacking. I would have never thought I was a workaholic and my relationships were suffering but then again I was working so hard I didn't pay attention to this. It is always good to slow down visualize aspects of our lives and set a game plan for improvement. The key is creating awareness. Do that now with your Happy-Whole-You pie matrix. Become aware of the WHOLE you. Report back what you find. I would love to share some of my reader's results with other users. We are all in this together. -Anna