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Anna Marie
Jun 20, 20192 min read
Little Things to Get HAPPY!
Do you ever feel like you need to spice things up? Maybe you are happy with your daily routine but a part of you is bored and would like...

Anna Marie
Apr 30, 20193 min read
Growing young gracefully!? Over 40...50... Can we be younger by next year?
Growing young gracefully!? Is this possible today? What does old or young mean anymore? I believe growing young ties back to how you...

Anna Marie
Dec 27, 20182 min read
The Add-In Method (FREE Printable!) A new year and a new approach!
Friends, I wanted to share with you a method that has helped me improve my overall health. This is not a specific diet, but a strategic...

Anna Marie
Oct 11, 20173 min read
My Birthday Gift To You: Beat Your Inner Bully in 14-Days
Thirty-five and feeling alive! I honestly never thought I would make it to thirty-five. For a variety of reasons: the first being when...

Anna Marie
Jun 18, 20172 min read
Top 11 Things a Man Can Do That Women Find Sexy... Tips from real women!
Okay men as a gift to you we are bring you the top 11 things you can do that women find sexy. I polled women from 24 years old to 55 plus...

Anna Marie
Jun 11, 20173 min read
Men: 7 Tips to Keep Your Woman Happy & Giving You More Attention!
Ladies if you are reading this feel free to forward to your man and if we are missing any tips shoot us a message. Okay men, We know...

Anna Marie
Feb 14, 20173 min read
Overeating? Do you know what vitamin you lack?
For many of us when we think of environment we think of the air we breathe, the city we live in, or the land we live on. We must not...

Anna Marie
Jan 26, 20174 min read
Stop Bullying Yourself! (Free Printable Download)
Do you ever feel like you are just coming up a little short? Do you ever feel stuck? Do you ever feel like you are doing all the right...

Anna Marie
Jan 10, 20174 min read
Weight Loss...The Missing Link... (Free Printable Download)
Have you ever been on a diet plan that included a workout regimen while limiting your food intake in order to lose weight? Did that plan...

Anna Marie
Dec 18, 20163 min read
The season for overeating…Not this year!
It is that time of year again. The richness of our favorite holiday dishes and the added calories of our sweet specialty drinks are all...

Anna Marie
Oct 14, 20162 min read
Earthing: Don’t be Electron Deficient
Have you heard of the term Earthing? Earthing is a natural way to heal your body by connecting your skin to the earth. But why, you ask?...

Anna Marie
Oct 6, 20164 min read
Stop Your Inner Bully
Hi Friends, One topic that you will hear me speaking about is the "inner bully." Some people refer to this as the negative voice inside...

Anna Marie
Oct 4, 20163 min read
What is Happy Whole You?
Dear Friends, It has been a long time desire to have an online platform to share some of my life lessons with you. This desire started...
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