Have you heard of the term Earthing? Earthing is a natural way to heal your body by connecting your skin to the earth. But why, you ask? Our Earth is alive and shares electrons we need. With the increased inflammation in our bodies scientist have now found links between touching our skin on the earth to decreased body inflammation.
You may be asking yourself, don't we already touch the earth? We walk on it everyday! Actually we do not touch the earth like we use to. If you think about it, when is the last time you walked barefoot on the grass or sand? The last time you put your feet in the ocean? When is the last time you laid your body on the ground? We are always wearing synthetic soles on our feet

. We sleep high off the ground in our beds. We walk on carpet or tile floors all day long. We do not connect to the earth like our ancestors did. Our ancestors use to sleep on the ground and dig in the dirt (this is why gardening is so good!). Many of us pay gardeners and we definitely don't sleep on the bare ground any more.
So, what can we do to improve our connection with the earth:
Walk barefoot around in your front or backyard every morning for ten minutes. I do this every morning. You can follow me on SnapChat: Vanna2go
Walk barefoot on any open grass area and damp grass is best.
Put your feet in the ocean! Ocean water is the best conductor for earthing.
Stretch on the grass. Sit down and let your legs connect.
Sleep on an Earthing mat. You can order these online or get at some local health food stores.
No grass? Walking on concrete barefoot can also provide some electron connection.
Get your hands dirty and start to garden. Plant some flowers, fruits, and veggies.

For more information on Earthing I suggest you check out a book called “Earthing: The most important health discovery ever!” This book is by: Clinton Ober, Stephen t. Sinatra, M.D. and Martin Zucker. In this book they document how earthing constantly produces benefits, such as:
-Rapid reduction in inflammation
-Reduction in chronic pain even elimination of some chronic pain
-Reduced Stress
-Increased Energy
-Improved Sleep
-Faster recovery time for injuries
Let me know how Earthing helps you.
Get your Earth on! -Anna