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20-Little Things Healthy & Successful People Do. Where do you score?

Writer: Anna MarieAnna Marie

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Ever wonder what little things healthy people do throughout each day? How do they stay so healthy and happy? Here are a few things:

  1. They always use the stairs;

  2. They eat fruits and veggies everyday;

  3. They don't overspend;

  4. They don't buy daily sugary drinks;

  5. They park in the farthest parking spot from the building;

  6. They drink lots of water throughout the day;

  7. They say positive things to themselves everyday and practice affirmations;

  8. They are giving to others without expending their personal basic needs;

  9. They express their emotions;

  10. They get 7-8 hours of sleep;

  11. They are optimistic and are grateful;

  12. They don't hang out with gossipers;

  13. They do not hold grudges and they learn from their past mistakes;

  14. They take a few minutes everyday to stretch, breathe, and relax;

  15. They can admit and own their flaws and mistakes;

  16. They get energy work done for themselves;

  17. They have a coach or mentor who doesn't let them lack and they call their BS;

  18. They meditate and know we are all connected;

  19. They spend time in nature and connect with the earth;

  20. They encourage and promote others.

How many of these things do you do?

16-20: You are among the healthiest, whole, people. Keep up the good work. Keep improving.

12-15: You have room for improvement but you are on the right track. Add-in 2 more positive daily practices over the next week.

8-11: You need to add in some healthier practices and you will find your level of happiness rise. You can do it. For the next month start two new practices every Monday for one month. Email us at for the add-in method.

5-7: You are not a total mess but you must take control of your life or you may end up feeling less happy and more depressed. It is up to you to take control. Start adding in 1-2 new things in your life for the next two months. Check out the ADD-IN Method blog for ideas.

0-4: You must take responsibility for your life. Don't waste your ability to be a shining light. You deserve to feel happy and energized. It is up to you to turn your daily practices around. No more excuses. Excuses are what got you to where you are. Your excuses are why you have only 5 of the daily practices above. You are in the driver's seat. You got this!

Book a Life Guide Coaching Session for a jumpstart!

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