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Discover simple tips and stratagies to improve your health and happiness in 14 days. The worksheets provided will help you discover ways to defeat the inner bully in your mind. That little voice inside your head that sometimes pulls you down and limits your level of happiness and success. This PDF which can be emailed to your Kindle email to be opened as an E-book is a quick to the point resource to help you be a little better today than you were yesterday.


This is a digital PDF file you will be prompted to download and you will recieve an email post checkout that will last 30 days with the appropriate links. If you are a Kindle user be sure to email this file to your Kindle email address to download to your Kindle. Enjoy!


Send to Kindle by E-mail

Send documents to your Kindle as an email attachment

You and your approved contacts can send documents to your registered Kindle devices, free Kindle reading applications, and your Kindle Library in the Amazon Cloud by e-mailing them to your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address ([name] Your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address is a unique e-mail address assigned to each of your Kindle devices and free Kindle reading applications upon registration.

How to send a document to your Kindle:

·       To find your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address, visit the Manage your Devices page at Manage Your Kindle.

·       Documents can only be sent to your Kindle devices or apps from e-mail accounts that you added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List. To add an e-mail account, visit the Personal Document Settings page at Manage Your Kindle.

·       To send a document to your Kindle device or app, simply attach it to an e-mail addressed to your Send-to-Kindle e-mail.

·       It is not necessary to include a subject in the email.

Supported File Types:

·       Microsoft Word (.DOC, .DOCX)

·       HTML (.HTML, .HTM)

·       RTF (.RTF)

·       JPEG (.JPEG, .JPG)

·       Kindle Format (.MOBI, .AZW)

·       GIF (.GIF)

·       PNG (.PNG)

·       BMP (.BMP)

·       PDF (.PDF)

PDFs can be converted to the Kindle format so you can take advantage of functionality such as variable font size, annotations, and Whispersync. To have a document converted to Kindle format (.azw), the subject line should be "convert" when e-mailing a personal document to your Send-to-Kindle address.

Beat Your Inner Bully in 14-Days


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